Add another level of safety to our range of trolley carts and trailers, these can be fitted to all of the standard platform truck ranges as well as to many of the tiered and table trolleys.
The principle is the same that you would find at the airport when you are off for your annual jolly. The brake is automatically applied at all times, and there must be a specific action carried out by the operator start motion.
Here at Handle-iT we offer two basic suggestions for this. Either the standard push down handle, where the operator pushes the handle downward, which releases the braking pin on the wheel to enable movement. Then when you want to stop, release the handle and it will automatically return the handle upward and apply the brake pins. Or a squeeze handle, this has a top static handle with a smaller squeeze handle on the underside, again when the trigger handle is squeezed upward towards the static handle then the braking pins are released so the trolley can move safely. When you release the squeeze trigger the brake will automatically apply.
Why would you use this style of trolley?
There are many different reasons why this will help you even in a basic operation. If your colleagues are using trolleys on a daily basis, then this can become a very tiring job. The initial start of motion and termination of motion when you are moving heavy loads are always the part that take the most exertion and through the cycles of long shift work, fatigue will start to set in and your colleague will inherently become less productive. A deadman brake allows the operator to stop the trolley with no additional effort required. In this age where productivity is the key to success, then this may just give you your competitive edge.
Are you working on ground which is not level?
Then the deadman or reverse brake will seriously aid in safety and productivity, there will be no chance of the trolley rolling away if released. If the operator were to slip or lose balance, the trolley will just come to a nice rest and wait until the brake is released again. You can also use the brake to slow and control the descent of a heavy load, just release the brake gently and the trolley can move in a slow, controlled pace until the slope has been negotiated. Moreover there would be no chance of a colleague or even a customer leaving a trolley in an unsuitable place and that rogue trolley rolling off into the bosses BMW causing everyone a headache.
Are you working in busy areas?
It wouldn't be the first time that your lovely old Aunt May has had her ankle bruised at the local supermarket. These things happen due to the busy environment and also the heavy loads that are being moved. Now imagine you are rushing through the cereal aisle, Aunt May comes around the corner... OH NO!!! Just release the brake and good old Aunt May has been saved.
Do you have Impaired staff?
Yes, we all do... however I mean staff that have genuine difficulties, that may need additional support with their walking? The squeeze trigger was originally designed for a gentleman who had trouble walking but still wanted to work, so we got together to understand what would make it easier and the squeeze trigger deadman was born. If the man was getting weary then he could rest on the trolley handle without it running away. His productivity was increased for his employer, because he was able to use the the trolley as an additional disability aid, using the trolley as you would use a walking frame.
What's the cost?
Working on basic platform trucks as a guide line, the increase to the basic cost is an additional £390.00 + VAT. However some products can come in a little cheaper and some a little more expensive. It is always worth discussing with your accounts manager or contacting us to see what can be provided.
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